Arguments: I don't want to waste my time on this...
Today I learnt a very important lesson....
Arguments..could go either ways
(1) Either you are losing...
(2) Hmmm you are winning...
but there is a third type where you could not reach a conclusion because either parties
fail to reach a conclusion...may be because there are compelling arguments on both sides or because of them is being purposely stubborn in spite of valid justifications being offered in defeating his hypothesis...
When there are compelling arguments on either side there may not always be a logical conclusion. You should raise to understanding to the level where you appreciate the other parties argument.. and try to detach yourself from the try to be objective rather than subjective...
And if you really feel that the other guy is stubborn to his point and not heeding to what you feel are compelling reasons to believe your point of can always end the argument on a gracious note...Things such as " I dont want to waste my time" is a rather imporperly worded end to something which started off as a discussion and proceed into an
And my lesson of the day is when you are arguing about something..its not about you..but the primary emphasis has to be on the contents of the argument..
Its a conflict of view points and should not end as conflict between people.. Look at it as a way of learning and try to
be sportive..and just because argUment has U does not mean its about U