Tuesday, May 01, 2012

In Time...

This post is written on impulse as against as the usual planned ones that I do but given sufficient time to think I don't think I will be writing this. Not that it has something that would embarrass me but the triviality of the post would dawn upon me. Going through facebook, I just realized how many of my friends/acquaintances have evolved over time.

  • Some have broadened their horizons, traveled across the world met people and have become global citizens
  • Some are trying to solve life's toughest problems in the hope that we have a better future tomorrow
  • Some have done a deep dive into their own worlds and have disappeared without a trace
  • Some found happiness in the work they do while a few others found it outside
  • Some still continue to be restless in their pursuits of the unknown while others are content with what they are doing
  • Some found matrimonial bliss while some are still on the lookout for the right person
  • Some retraced their steps back to college while others have gone onto conquer the corporate world
  • Some took the road less traveled and have tried realizing their dreams by starting something on their own. A few have succeeded, a few still trying and the rest are back in the realm of day to day grind
  • Some are still struggling to get a foothold and a few others still crave for days of yore
  • Some have found hobbies serious enough to think about alternate careers or have started making their post retirement plans

As for me, a question posed by a friend after my 29th birthday did enlighten me about myself. I realized that I have been a survivor and have been a pretty decent one at that. I haven't had big dreams nor great passion that drives me. I am a bit of a lot of things but nothing in particular. But I did realize what I would want to do the rest of my life. I am in the "Pursuit of Happiness" and I hope to find it in every moment that I live.

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