Rock Star
The movie I felt failed to capture the spirit that drives a rockstar. May be it had got to do with the expectations that you have about a sterotype rockstart..passionate, headbanging, coke snorting, suicidal drunkard. More than that I was disappointed with the unreasonableness of the plot - Why does he get thrown out of his house? Pathetic attempts at humor where he tries to act heart broken because good songs are born out of pain? Or simply his unwavering response to all situations that he finds himself in... Walk away with a serious expression on his face.. Is that his reaction to everyone and everything?? Why does the police beat him up time and again for no reason?
Among the new breed of bollywood actors Ranbir has been a little more versatile not only in the choice of his roles but his performances as well. But this was the first movie where I felt he did not do justice to his role. I felt that the director surely lacked the vision to carry on a rockstar movie. The movie started with a very good premise for a rockstar's life - " Meet me beyond the boundaries of what is right and wrong". He was supposed to carry that forward. Instead all we found was "Junglee javani" recurring again and again and again. It was fun the first time but the same theme repeatedly starts getting on your nerves. This rockstar's life seemed to be driven only by his emptiness and may be that is why the film seemed empty to me.
Putting aside the fact that it was a very lengthy movie for a movie with no plot/story, I was disappointed with the presentation as well. The non-linear movie narrative style could have worked for this movie if only people didn't get confused which timeframe is the scene based in. There seemed to be a present, a middle present, a past present and a past. I mean frankly it did not need so many back and forths.
The only saving grace for the movie seemed to be Rahman's music. But as with all his music, the first time is always a tad disappointing but overtime you learn to like it. The music grows on you. The movie is definitely not worth three hours of your life!!
The movie I felt failed to capture the spirit that drives a rockstar. May be it had got to do with the expectations that you have about a sterotype rockstart..passionate, headbanging, coke snorting, suicidal drunkard. More than that I was disappointed with the unreasonableness of the plot - Why does he get thrown out of his house? Pathetic attempts at humor where he tries to act heart broken because good songs are born out of pain? Or simply his unwavering response to all situations that he finds himself in... Walk away with a serious expression on his face.. Is that his reaction to everyone and everything?? Why does the police beat him up time and again for no reason?
Among the new breed of bollywood actors Ranbir has been a little more versatile not only in the choice of his roles but his performances as well. But this was the first movie where I felt he did not do justice to his role. I felt that the director surely lacked the vision to carry on a rockstar movie. The movie started with a very good premise for a rockstar's life - " Meet me beyond the boundaries of what is right and wrong". He was supposed to carry that forward. Instead all we found was "Junglee javani" recurring again and again and again. It was fun the first time but the same theme repeatedly starts getting on your nerves. This rockstar's life seemed to be driven only by his emptiness and may be that is why the film seemed empty to me.
Putting aside the fact that it was a very lengthy movie for a movie with no plot/story, I was disappointed with the presentation as well. The non-linear movie narrative style could have worked for this movie if only people didn't get confused which timeframe is the scene based in. There seemed to be a present, a middle present, a past present and a past. I mean frankly it did not need so many back and forths.
The only saving grace for the movie seemed to be Rahman's music. But as with all his music, the first time is always a tad disappointing but overtime you learn to like it. The music grows on you. The movie is definitely not worth three hours of your life!!