Thursday, October 20, 2011

Signs of Ageing

The New Age Miracle ads would have you believe that dark spots, wrinkles etc are signs of ageing. But if you ask me, here are some real signs of ageing:

(1) You become a man of method rather than instinct. No longer are you a man who can follow his whims and yet not care about the outcome
(2) Discipline and timetable sort of become a way of your life. No longer can you allow yourself the luxury of random events. One slight disturbance can throw the whole day off.
(3) You need your 6 hours of sleep or end up being agitated all day long till you make up for the lost sleep,
(4) No longer do you have space for one more ice cream. You should be happy if you can eat one without worrying about the calories.
(5) Youngsters start telling you that by the time you completed your engineering they were still in school.
(6) TODO lists start becoming the order of the day. You can no longer leave office at will but have to submit yourself to the tenets of a good employee and fulfill your responsibilities even if it means being up at 12:30 in the night to attend some stupid conference calls.
(7) Everyday you enter the gym saying to yourself - "Why God Why? Do I really have to run on the treadmill?? Can't I just skip it this once??" . The next day is the same story.
(8) You are no longer sure whether your hair would turn grey first or you become bald first.
(9) You no longer have friends to hang out with.. Most of them are either married or are seeing someone.
(10) Watching late night movies is no longer an option since it will throw the entire next day schedule off.
(11) Your facebook friends hardly post any updates. Even whey they do its about an exotic location they toured this year for their honeymoon or yearly trips.
(12) Saturdays and Sundays are filled with boredom and you start inventing new hobbies to feel that you are not wasting away your life.
(13) Reading/Watching news is a must. Its on par with brushing your teeth.

All in all, if any of the above signs start manifesting then be assured that you no longer are a youngster :)

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