Friday, April 06, 2012

A Rose..

Stranded at a traffic signal near Andheri, I checked my watch and the signal alternately. I was in a taxi on my way to the Andheri sports complex. Traffic is at its peak this time of the day. There seemed to be vehicles lined up for about twenty meters. I told myself if not this time, I will get my turn during the next signal. Traffic signals act as market place for quite a few hawkers in Mumbai. People sell all kinds of things at traffic signals ranging from dust clothes to idols of gods. It is also a good hunting ground for all the beggars in the city. A frustrated man is bound to throw a coin in your direction just to get rid of you rather than out of sympathy for your plight. And Yes the beggars know it too.

Peering through the glass was a kid carrying roses in his hand. He kept knocking on the window persistently until I drew the glasses down. He kept saying to me - " Gulab hai bhai..lelo... kisi ko bhi dedo bhai..Fresh maal hai.. ". I tried to shrug him off saying - " Nahi bahi..mujhe nahi lena"

He persisted - " Kam se kam Ek lelo bhai. Bus 2 rupaiyaa hai"

In exasperation, I blurted out - "Lelete..lekin Dene keliye koyi nahi hai"

For a second, the taxi driver looked back at me and a smile spread across his lips. The kid grinned sheepishly. We all smiled at each other and the kid left. He realized that this was a sale he was not going to make but didn't seem to mind it. It is not often that someone offers him such a convincing reason not to buy.


bp:) said...

Ahaha this story made me LAUGH!! Glad to see your taking up writing again :)

bp:) said...
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Unknown said...

Lets see how long does this spell last :)