Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tale of a Paper Plane

It was a day of the week that Rohan wasn't reluctant to get out of bed. Unlike other days no one was after him to go to school. That was all the more reason he felt like getting up early and more over he could play cricket with his friends till 9 AM. Rohan's mom was also relaxed on sundays and gave him that extra bit of freedom to do things he liked and the way he liked them be it playing with friends, watching an evening movie or refusing to drink milk. He got away with almost everything. Perhaps being a working mom took its toll on her and she needed a break for herself.

This sunday was no different. After a decent knock of 14 runs which was just 2 runs short of his highest score he was pleased with his performance. He came back home, brushed his teeth and gobbled nine vadas - the same number as his age. He checked time. It was 9:45 AM - only 15 mins for the start of "Captain Vyom" on TV. Captain Vyom was a inter-galactic hero fighting crime across alien planets and enforcing justice. Rohan especially liked the Laser guns which sounded almost like the gun his uncle had gifted him for his last birthday. In excitement, he would start shooting alongside Vyom on TV.  They spared nothing that came in their way. But first things first. He rushed into the bathroom, took a bath for namesake and came out drenched in water and put on the TV. But sadly the TV didn't switch on. He looked around and realized that it was a power cut. He immediately ran to his dad to check when power would be restored. Sadly, there was some maintenance work in progress and power was off for the next two hours.

His sunday was being ruined by electricity. After running back and forth around the house, he decided to make the new paper plane that he learnt at school. This plane almost looked realistic and glided really smooth. The trick was in the tail. You had to get the length of the tail right for it to fly smoothly. After successfully making the plane and testing it to see if it was up to his expectations he headed out into the veranda to fly the plane. They stayed on the top floor of a 5 storey building. He was playing with the paper plane until a gentle breeze blew the plane just beyond the wall. He rushed to see where it had fallen. But then it had clung to the telephone wire coming out of the house. Too lazy to make another one, he decided to see if he can't reach the plane by stretching across the wall. The fact that this wall was 5 floors above the ground didn't make a difference to him. His finger tips were able to reach the plane but still it eluded him. He tried to bend over the wall a little and see if he can reach it. This time he could almost get two fingers to it but still couldn't grip it. All this while, his mom was cooking chicken in the kitchen and dad was busy glancing through the newspaper for the nth time

He grew confident about retrieving it back and stretched a little further down until more than half his body was on the other side of the wall. In a momentary shock he lost balance and slipped over the wall. All he could feel was the slight breeze blowing across and a sudden feeling of weightlessness. He realized in that second that he was falling through the air and was about the crash hard on the ground. His mind went blank for a moment.

He was about to shriek when he realized that the fall had been arrested by him crashing into his own bed. It took him a minute to realize what had happened. He had been dreaming all this while. It all looked so realistic to him. In fact he could still recollect the feeling of falling through air. He was drenched in sweat in his own bed. He slowly rubbed his eyes got up and felt happy that it was just a bad dream and still had his sunday to look forward to. He cheerfully got out of bed and started padding up for his cricket match.

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